Winter Quilts | 4 Steps for Storing your Wool Quilt During Summer

As the cold temperatures of winter give way to warm summer nights, your wool quilt begins to feel uncomfortably hot. This is a sign that it's time to hibernate your wool quilt until winter arrives once again. Storing quilts smartly will ensure that they remain operational for a long time without any undue damage during storage. Here are some smart tips for storing a wool quilt during summer.

Vacuum to Remove Surface Dirt

The wool quilt is exposed to dirt and dust for the time it is in use. To remove this surface level dust that has accumulated on the quilt, give it a thorough vacuum with a brush attachment. The brush attachment ensures smooth movement over the quilt to remove loose dirt and dust griping at the surface.

Machine Wash or Dry Clean for Deep Cleaning

Ideally, you should wash your quilt before packing to remove any residual dirt and grime that could cause mould and mildew to form. Be sure to check the washing instructions provided on the label to prevent any long-term quilt damage. Keep in mind that a wool quilt can shrink in warm water temperatures, so you may need to ensure that the water is below 30°C. If you're worried about damaging the quilt in the washing machine, take it to a local dry cleaning company for a professional deep cleaning job. Dry cleaning will clean the quilt comprehensively without any damage or shrinkage. This cleaning effort will eliminate the skin cells, oils and dust mites that have built up on the quilt over winter.

Fold the Quilt Neatly

Before placing the wool quilt in storage, you'll want to ensure that it is neatly folded, so that it doesn't clump or crease. But avoid using irons and steam on wool, as it could cause the material to shrink. You will need to fold it tightly to remove all the air from inside the quilt. Ideally, tie it down with a cloth string on all sides, so the folded quilt doesn't open up.

Place in a Snug Cotton or Linen Bag

Once the quilt is dried and folded, store it in a snug cotton or linen bag that fits tightly around the quilt to ensure that it doesn't open up in storage. These soft fabrics allow your wool quilt to breathe. Plastic covers cause moisture to form inside the bag, which could give rise to mould and mildew –– stay away from them to protect your wool quilt. Store the quilt in a dry and cool place.

Storing a wool quilt, like those from Luxor Linen, smartly during the summer months will prolong its lifespan for a long time to come.
